Justa Executive Resources provides Comprehensive Reports detailing the entire recruitment sourcing process and Candidate Profiles for each candidate identified.  All candidates are assigned using a clearly defined Status Indicator.


Sample Profile - Thumbnail

The Comprehensive Report provides details about everyone identified during the Recruitment Sourcing Process, not just the candidates.  The report is a great resource to determine trends in the market place, what your competitors are paying, and whom else you may contact for future recruitment needs.


The Profile is a summary of experiences, compensation, education, and responsibilities for each Candidate and/or FYI.  Because most passive candidates do not have resumes readily available, the profile highlights the requirements that are important to you.  It may also include answers to a few additional qualifying questions to help determine whether an individual is a cultural fit for your specific need.


Candidates are assigned a Status Indicator to help you understand their current availability and potential for becoming a hire.

Candidate Status Indicators

Justa Executive Resources, Inc - BannerSample Report - Thumbnail

Nicole Justa

Justa Executive Resources, Inc. (JER)

Office:   (954)PAR-FOUR (727-3687)

Cellular: (954)529-5092

Fax:       (954)636-2920

E-Mail:   nicole@justaexecutive.com

Nicole Justa - Signature

7260 NW 4th Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33487           Phone: (954) 727-3687 (PAR-FOUR)           Fax: (954) 636-2920          nicole@justaexecutive.com

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